Monday, June 18, 2012

Uh Oh. She's on her Soap Box......

We have one car. One family car. It’s five years old, purchased before I “gave up” (hahahahaha) working. We have no plans to upgrade.

We take one (modest) family holiday most years, funds permitting. One week’s duration. Usually camping or to a little old unit or cabin somewhere near a beach.

I don’t colour my hair. I get it cut twice a year. I cut my children’s hair myself. I don’t have manicures or facials. I rarely wear makeup.

I buy clothes (and furniture and other household items) at garage sales. Occasionally we splurge on new clothes- for example, last week my local Kmart had children’s pyjamas marked down to $3. All four kids got new pyjamas. 

We only make big purchases on sale- it usually involves having saved for a period, or buying on interest free and paying it off.

We have a simple, healthy diet. We have special meals for birthdays, and don’t buy expensive processed convenience food. We don’t go out to dinner unless it’s at someone’s house or someone else is paying!

We don’t live in a palace... In fact, we believe it is OK for kids to share a room.

I feel no compulsion to keep up with the Jones’. My children have everything they need and so do we. Everything else is just “stuff”.

We LOVE hand-me-downs. We LOVE op shops.

On the weekend, we go for a picnic, to visit friends, or for a bushwalk. We don’t go to the coast, to a cafe or to a theme park.

We are generous. What we don’t need, we give away... to friends, or to charity. I used to sell things on ebay, but I get much more pleasure from gifting something on to someone who could use it. Paying it forward because what you put out there, you get back.

We re-use and recycle.

We don’t go crazy on Christmas presents.

We have a budget. Most of the time we stick to it.

I don’t understand why people feel the need to judge us for choosing for me to stay at home with our children (for the record, I was back at work when our first child was 6 weeks old, when our second was four months, and after the third we decided I would stay home and enjoy these precious few years  instead of working to pay childcare fees). Comments like, “Oh I wish I could stay home like you”, “It’d be great if we could AFFORD for me to stay at home”, “you’re lucky; I HAVE to work”, “well, it’s OK for you, you have the TIME to cook/ clean/ visit friends/ {insert speaker’s current first world complaint here}”.

I find it really offensive when others negate all the planning we do and sacrifices we make to have the life we want to have, just because they can’t imagine themselves doing the same.

Enough is enough. On two counts.... I have had enough, and I will no longer be bothered by the words or thoughts of other people. I will not let their dissatisfaction with their lives reduce the joy I have in my own. To be honest, I don’t care enough and I don’t want people like that in my life any more.

Secondly, enough is enough. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. People spend their lives chasing MORE, wanting MORE. They’ll be happy when.......

If you are reading this, you have access to the internet, which makes you luckier than many. If you are at home or at work, and you have enough food, enough money in the bank to pay your bills, and enough clothes to wear to get by, you are better off than most of the world’s population. Stop chasing perfection. Enjoy what you have. You have enough.

If you REALLY want to know my secret, I will tell you...... I know that money doesn’t buy happiness. I know I will blink and my children will be grown. I know that memories are made, not bought. I know that our house is full of love. I know I have more than enough. I know I am blessed.

Ahhhhhh. Rant done. My next post will be super positive and happy and smiley.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Just Juice

On Saturday night, a friend asked if I'd like to do a juice fast with her. I had set Monday as the day to get serious about ditching a little extra "baggage" (can't really call it baby weight now that he's 13 months old!), so willingly agreed. Just want those jeans to do up!!

I went to the markets on Sunday and stocked up on lots of fresh fruit as veg (as I always do, but this time got lots of leafy greens for my juices as well). Then set about changing from this:

                                         (yeah, I can't understand why the weight won't shift either!)

to this:
                         (The picture is a little fuzzy, but it doesn't really matter- it didn't look any better in real life.)

So in this juice we have kale, silverbeet, beetroot, apple, orange, pink grapefruit and ginger.

Juice fasts are supposed to cleanse your body and soul and help bring you to realisations about food and diet. One drink in, I had made the following realisations:

1. I hate kale
2. I like chewing
3. Beetroot needs to be peeled, the skin is really bitter.

For lunch I had a banana and mixed berry smoothie (couldn't face adding a vegetable and ruining those beautiful beautiful berries). It was lovely, although more like a sorbet- I had to eat it with a spoon.

At this point I was questioning my involvement in this little plan for health.... each day gets colder than the last and juice and smoothies aren't quite at the top of my wish list like they are in Summer. Maybe I could do a soup version?

For dinner, I did cheat a little and have a leafy salad- which is basically what I would have had, but not pureed.... The rest of the family had lasagne and salad, and I am really conscious about food and body image with my kids... I want them to see me fuelling my body with good healthy food, like they do, not obsessing (but that's a whole other post!).

That's when I had my first real food revelation.......

Surely a healthy balanced diet (without all the little treats and indulgences), in combination with regular exercise is what I should be doing?!

I must say, part way through day two, I do feel better for not eating wheat- which is what I usually find. I have an awful headache though, despite all the water I have been drinking (have been peeing like I'm 9 months pregnant!).

I'm starting to doubt the sense of this with four young children to keep up with. I think my body needs more than juice. It needs chicken. Or beef. Or egg. Heck, right now I'd take a plate of mushrooms.

So this is my plan: DITCH THE BEIGE. Stop eating beige things; no white bread, pasta, white rice, biscuits etc. I'd like to completely eliminate processed food from all our diets, over time.... not sure how the kids (or husband!) will go but I'll try baby steps.

I don't think quick fixes are for me. They aren't sustainable, they lack variety and they are not the type of example I want to set for my children. Part of me feels like I am quitting/failing, but the better part of me knows for long term total health, juice alone is not for me.

The rest of my plan is MOVE MORE. I used to walk every morning and do a regular fitness class, and my body misses that. Despite the cold, I need to get out from under the doona and exercise in the mornings- it will be invigorating!!!

I'm going to harness the power of positive thinking and make this happen, in a way that works for me and my family.... I'm going to do it MY WAY.

Who's with me?
What works for you?


Thursday, May 31, 2012

Blogging Take II

Well, I guess I can add "blogging" to the list of things I have started and not followed through on.... like sewing, scrapbooking, quilting, jewellery making, being a fitness fanatic.... hmmm... I suppose I use up all my commitment on my family and friends, and there just isn't enough left over for "stuff".

The landscape has changed a little since my last post.... almost two years ago (!). We now have four kids, with a beautiful little boy, now one, added to the mix. We've also recently moved back to my husband's home town, where we will be sure to take advantage of the relatives (read: babysitters) nearby.

I have given up paid work, in favour of the much more demanding, but also much more rewarding, world of unpaid work. Before any of you jump the gun, and assume I have become a housewife, I'd like to share a little poem with you. Because I am absolutely crap with most forms of technology, and cannot figure out how to format it in here, the poem appears at the end of my post :-)

Added to my list of things to do: learn about computers and how blogger actually works properly, including fonts, formatting, signatures etc. Until then, bear with me.....

So, I am going to give this blogging thing another go. I am not going to commit to blog every day, or to provide awesome tips and tricks to keep your home organised, I don't have natural alternatives to commercial cleaning products and sometimes my recipes are an abolute disaster and we have eggs for tea. What I will promise, however, is to post somewhat regularly, when I think I have something of note to say, or have heard/seen something really funny/ interesting/disturbing that I feel I simply must share. Who knows, if I give it a chance, blogging may turn out to be my thing.... or one of my things. Maybe not, but we'll see.

Excuse This House
Author unknown
Some houses try to hide the fact
That children shelter there
Ours boasts of it quite openly
The signs are everywhere
For smears are on the windows
Little smudges on the doors
I should apologise I guess
For the toys strewn on the floor
But, I sat down with the children
And we played and laughed and read
And if the doorbell doesn’t shine
Their eyes will instead
For when at times I am forced to choose
The one job or the other
I want to be a housewife
But first I’ll be a mother.

Have a great weekend,