Monday, June 21, 2010

Mum..... by definition

I have really been struggling lately. Not "Struggling" struggling, more like grappling, or questioning myself.... and it's all about one little sentence.

You see, I was talking to a friend recently, and she made the comment, "I love my kids, of course, but they don't define who I am"....... and that thought has been playing over in my mind for the last few weeks.

I fancy myself fairly well-balanced... I stay at home with my kids, I run my small business from home, I have a fairly active social life (the kind of social life you expect after kids..... very little alcohol, lots of talking, coffee, barbeques etc), I'm well educated, I can hold an adult conversation whilst a Wiggles song plays in my head...... I'm fairly well rounded, I think.

But this comment has really struck me off guard, and I've figured out why... I was worried that my kids DO define who I am, and in the "I can have my cake and eat it too" world we live in, I thought maybe I'd somehow missed the boat. Should my kids define who I am? I am a whole person without them. I have value as an individual. I'm still me.... right? Should I want more, should I do more, should I BE more?

And then I thought about it.... and you know what? My kids DO define who I am. They define who I am at the very core of my being, and I think that is absolutely wonderful. Yes, I am a whole person without them, but I never want to BE without them...

Don't get me wrong.. sometimes I really want to be without them, I need a break, I'm human, I need a time out, but we're talking half an hour, or a day with a friend, a nice dinner with the girls.

But I never ever want to BE without them. They complete me, if that makes sense..... in the way my husband also completes me. They are part of who I am... so of course they define me. In the same way my beliefs and dreams and hopes and fears define me. Being a wife and mother are the two most important roles in my life.

Do I wonder what life would have been like if I hadn't married and had kids in my twenties? Sometimes...... and it's unimaginable. A wife and mother is who I am . It's who I AM. Nothing I have ever done, or will ever do, will be as important as being a Mum. It is the most exhausting, arduous, frustrating, nerve-wracking, emotional, rewarding, uplifting, exhilerating, fulfilling job in the world.

I consider myself extremely lucky to be blessed with three gorgeous healthy children. Many who would make wonderful parents are not gifted with them easily. I appreciate that. I am thankful for that. Many mothers have to return to work and do not have this precious time at home. Many mothers choose to return to work, and I understand and respect that choice. We live very simply so that I can stay home. That's the choice we made. Sometimes we go without. Sometimes there is not enough. But we get by. I am thankful for that. I watch my children playing, or eating, or sleeping, and I feel such pride and contentment I could burst. I am so thankful for that.

These little people and their Daddy are my family..... they are my everything. Without them, I am a whole person, but I would certainly not be whole. So do my children define me? Absolutely they do. And all is as it should be.


  1. Lovely post Sal - and you are right - you are a whole person with and without them!

  2. I have the hugest lump in my throat Sal. Beautiful beautiful blog and you have given me some clarity on my role in my life as well. Thank you so much for being my friend and all that you have brought to me in the short life of our lovely friendship. x
